We CONGRATULATE all of our 2023 National Award winners and encourage individuals, chapters, and regions to submit nomination packages for 2024 National Awards! We look forward to celebrating your achievements!
Individual/Organizational Awards
- Allie Latimer Award: Lisa Zimmerman (Western Region)
- Barbara Boardman Tenant Award: Khadejah Brown (DC Metro Region)
- Federal Department/Agency Award: United States Department of Education (DC Metro Region)
- FEW Regional Achievement Award: Mid-Atlantic Region
- Private Sector Award: Aberdeen Federal Credit Union (Mid-Atlantic Region)
Chapter Achievement Award Categories
- Best Chapter Programs Award:
1st place: Widening Opportunities for Women Chapter (DC Metro Region)
2nd place: Federal Triangle Chapter (DC Metro Region)
3rd place: Maryland Tri-County Chapter (Mid-Atlantic Region)
- Best Chapter Fundraiser Award:
1st place: Bright Knights Chapter (DC Metro Region)
2nd place: Tidewater Chapter (Mid-Atlantic Region)
3rd place: Southern California Gold Coast Chapter (Western Region)
- Best Chapter Newsletter Award:
1st place: Bright Knights Chapter (DC Metro Region)
2nd place: Derby City Chapter (Southeast Region)
3rd place: Maryland Tri-County Chapter (Mid-Atlantic Region)
- Best Special Emphasis Project Award:
1st place: North Alabama Chapter (Southeast Region)
2nd place: Census Women Count Chapter (DC Metro Region)
3rd place: Bright Knights Chapter (DC Metro Region)
- Best Chapter Special Project Award:
1st place: Motor City Chapter (Great Lakes Region)
2nd place: Maryland Tri-County Chapter (Mid-Atlantic Region)
3rd place: Federal Triangle Chapter (DC Metro Region)
- Chapter Membership Award:
1st place: Bright Knights Chapter (DC Metro Region)
2nd place: Southern California Gold Coast Chapter (Western Region)
3rd place: Federal Triangle Chapter (DC Metro Region)
- Helen R. Dudley Overall Chapter Achievement Award: Southern California Gold Coast Chapter (Western Region)

FEW National President Pamela H. Richards, National Awards Chair Vikki Williamson (center row) and all of the 2023 Awardees
Individual Awards General Descriptions
- National President’s Award
- Selected and bestowed by the National President to deserving individuals who are recognized as working towards the mission and purpose of FEW.
- Distinguished Service Award – (May self-nominate)
- Presented to the person (Department or Agency Official, Member of Congress, etc.) who has shown courage and leadership in furthering the cause of FEW.
- Barbara Boardman Tenant Award – (May self-nominate)
- Recognize a FEW member who has consistently rendered outstanding service to the organization. In general, this overall achievement award represents contributions of national significance above and beyond the scope of the administrative responsibilities of office, whether elective or appointive.
- Allie Latimer Award – (May self-nominate)
- Recognize the FEW member whose action and leadership resulted in service to FEW at the chapter and/or region level. In general, this overall achievement award recognizes extraordinary grassroots effort working to achieve FEW’s mission.
- Federal Department/Agency Award
- Recognize a federal department or agency that has shown exemplary service to FEW.
- Private Sector Award
- Recognize a corporation or organization in the private sector that has shown exemplary service to FEW.
- FEW Regional Achievement Award
- Presented to a FEW Region in recognition of consistent excellent performance during the award year. This award is established to stimulate interest and friendly competition among FEW regions.
- Champion of Diversity Award
- Presented to Federal employees (individuals or teams) for notable performance in and contribution to furthering diversity in the federal workplace. Only one award, either an individual or team, will be awarded.
Minimum qualifications for Chapter Awards
- All quarterly reports submitted on time (by the 10th of the month – no exceptions).
- Hold at least one program about one of the four focus areas (Compliance, Diversity, Legislative, Training)
- All required attachments and supporting documentation must be submitted with your electronic package.
- Please note that there are file size restrictions on submissions. Detailed requirements can be found on the Microsoft Office site under Reducing File Size of Word Documents or by clicking here.
For more helpful hints on submitting the best nomination package, please review the Helpful Hints.
Preparing for FEW National Awards
Remember, these are professional awards, so treat them as such. Be sure to use correct spelling (spell check is good, but have someone else review the package prior to sending), punctuation, format, etc. You must meet these minimum qualifications:
- Ensure nomination package covers the correct time-frame (e.g., January 1 – December 31). For example, award nominations for 2021 should include activities from January 1 through December 31 of 2020.
- Before preparing the nomination(s), read FEW’s NATIONAL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL (NPPM), Section IV, Awards. The latest version is posted to the website under the Members Only section. If ever in doubt, please ask the Awards Chair or your Regional Manager/Representative(s).All quarterly reports must be submitted ON TIME (due the 10th day following the end of each quarter). Reports must be submitted to the Regional Manager with copies to the Regional Representative(s), Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization, National Finance Chair, and the National Office.
- Ensure all financial payments to National FEW and your Region are met.
- Nomination package should be organized in the same way as the award criteria is listed.
- Justify your nomination in terms of the criteria and be specific without being verbose. The nomination should include more information than words i.e. “see attached flyer,” etc. Take the time to write the nomination.
- If submitting nomination for Newsletter Award, ensure only three samples are attached (any more or less and your nomination will be rejected).
- Nominations for Best Special Project, Best Special Emphasis Project, and Best Fundraiser should only address ONE special project, special emphasis project or fundraiser or the nomination will be disqualified. This means do not submit the same flyers, documentation, etc. for these three awards – they must be different.
- Include any supporting documentation for support of the nomination (i.e., flyers, newsletter, reports, etc.).
- When applying for the Membership Award, a copy of the most current roster (Roster will say January Roster 2020 and 2021) for your chapter must be attached. If a roster is not attached, the chapter will automatically be disqualified.
- Do not cut and paste from previous years award package. This is looked for and if similar in nature more than 20 percent, the award package will be rejected.
- Chapters who submit nominations for Awards in at least four (4) special emphasis area categories are eligible to complete a nomination form for the Helen R. Dudley Overall Chapter Achievement Award. Chapters must submit a nomination package in order to be considered for this award. NOTE: If a Chapter won the Helen R. Dudley Award the previous year, that chapter is ineligible for the current year.
- If a region won the Regional Achievement Award the previous year, that region is ineligible for the current year.
- All award nominations must be submitted electronically with documentation NLT April 7, 2021. FEW Award Submission on the website has been improved to accept attachments and electronically submit your Award package to the Award team for review.
- The winning entries in each Chapter Award category are filed in a three-ring notebook and placed on exhibit on the National Membership Booth at FEW’s National Event.
For more information, please contact your National Awards Chair, Priscilla Moultrie, at .
Helpful Tips for Award Submission Process
- Carefully select which award you are interest in submitting for and read through all guidelines in the NPPM, Activity and Procedures, Section IV. Awards
- DO NOT send any awards packets to the National Awards Chair. Nominations packages are only being accepted via the FEW website.
- All required attachments and documentation must be included with your electronic submitted package. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will disqualify your nomination.
- All quarterly reports must be submitted on time which is by the 10th of each month. There are no exceptions!
- Timely responses to requests for information from the National, Regional et al.
- All supporting documentation that is required for award submissions must be included. Please note: The file size restrictions for attachments which can be found once you login on the website under Chapter Resources on the topic of “Compressing Graphics”.
- Use spell check before you submit.
- Do not cut and paste documents.
- Financial obligations to National, Regional and Chapter offices must have been fully met.
- Before you submit, please review your entries are complete before it is submitted. This is key to your receiving a high or low final score.
- Once your award packet is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you do not receive a follow up email, please contact the National Awards Chair at or the FEW Webmaster at
Additional Information
- Regional Managers, Chapter Presidents, and Nomination Submitters will be notified prior to the award ceremony at the NTP by the National Awards Chair. No information on the actual placement (i.e., first, second or third place) will be provided before the National Awards Ceremony.
- If you have problem with attachment of additional information to your award package, please send documents to the following email addresses:
- Winners in all categories will be posted to the FEW website and listed in the FEW online newsletter, News & Views.
For more information, please contact the Awards Chair at