STEM Day Program
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
STEM Day is a landmark initiative for FEW where we welcome participants interested in STEM. It is a one-day virtual training program focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Each year, FEW offers this STEM at no cost with the support of our sponsors. Our goal is to raise broader awareness of the need for more diverse and inclusive voices of minorities in science, technology, engineering, and math by the largest employer in the United States – the federal government.
FEW seeks to address the lack of women and girls considering STEM employment and provide access to these lucrative careers. STEM Day offers dynamic discussion and endless possibilities for engaging with career professionals in STEM. STEM Day will reach hundreds of students and career professionals who seek a deeper understanding of careers within the federal government. It is open to high school seniors, college or university students, and entry-level professionals. Registration is free to all.

STEM Day Agenda:
Opening Session
- STEM Day Coordinator: Caronell Diew
- FEW National President: Karen M. Rainey
- Sponsor: Danita Andrews, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal Employee Programs
- Sponsor: NOAA – Richard Grant, Director (Acting), Office of Inclusion and Civil Rights, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Session
- Topic: Federal STEM Career Options: My FDA Journey
- Presenter: La’Nissa Brown-Baker, PhD, Associate Director for Scientific Staffing, Office of the Commissioner, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
United State Airforce Session
- Topic: Creating Your STEMulating Future!
- Presenter: Ms. Jacqueline S. Janning-Lask, SES, Director, Engineering and Technical Management/Services, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Session
- Topic: STEM in FEMA
- Panel Discussion:
• Madeleine Russell, Costal Scientist• Mary Clare Ellis, Public Assistance Strategic Management Lead
• Lalitha Bala, Engineer, Recovery Technology Programs Division with Recovery Directorate, focusing on Cloud Technologies
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Session
- Topic: Steps to Forecasting the Future
- Presenter: Ayesha Davis, Meteorologist, National Weather Service
U.S. Navy Session
- Topic: My Perspective of a STEM Career with the Navy
- Presenter: Allison Cantu, P.E., F.SAME, EV Restoration Core BLTL
U.S. Department of Transportation Session
Topic: Modes with the Department of Transportation featuring STEM
Moderator: Tammy Jones, Corporate Recruitment Manager
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Topic: Strategies to Success-Transportation
- Presenter: Bernadette Walker, Transportation Specialist, DOT BIG Chapter President
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Topic: Strategies to Success-Accelerated Innovation Deployment
- Presenter: Fawn Thompson, Program Manager
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Topic: Strategies to Success -Aviation Safety
- Presenter: Willia Jones, Management Program Analyst
- Topic: Strategies to Success-Office of Civil Rights
- Presenter: Migdalia Gonzalez, Hispanic Employment Program Manager
- Topic: Drug Toxicology, How it Relates to Aviation Safety and Accidents
- Presenter: Roxane Ritter, Bio-Aeronautical Science Research
- Topic: Air Traffic Organization Safety and Technical Training
- Presenter: Chandra Smith, Human Performance Team
- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) & National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- Topic: Department of Transportation Interns: Explore the Possibilities
- Presenter: Stephanie Arhin, Recruitment and Diversity Program Manager, Federal Railroad Administration
- Presenter: Dionne Stokes, Program Specialist and Recruiter, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Presenter: Monique Stewart, Engineer, White House-DOT HBCU Liaison
Closing Keynote Address – NASA, Harvard and the Smithsonian
- Topic: Reach across the stars: Journeying through the universe with women in STEM
- Presenter: Dr. Kim Arcand, Virtualization Scientist, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Chandra X-Ray Observatory, Cent for Astrophysics
Closing Remarks
- FEW National President – Karen M. Rainey
For more information, please contact the National President, Pamela Richards, at
or call the FEW National Office at (202) 898-0994.
Preparing for FEW National Awards
Remember, these are professional awards, so treat them as such. Be sure to use correct spelling (spell check is good, but have someone else review the package prior to sending), punctuation, format, etc. You must meet these minimum qualifications:
- Ensure nomination package covers the correct time-frame (e.g., January 1 – December 31). For example, award nominations for 2021 should include activities from January 1 through December 31 of 2020.
- Before preparing the nomination(s), read FEW’s NATIONAL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL (NPPM), Section IV, Awards. The latest version is posted to the website under the Members Only section. If ever in doubt, please ask the Awards Chair or your Regional Manager/Representative(s).All quarterly reports must be submitted ON TIME (due the 10th day following the end of each quarter). Reports must be submitted to the Regional Manager with copies to the Regional Representative(s), Vice President for Membership and Chapter Organization, National Finance Chair, and the National Office.
- Ensure all financial payments to National FEW and your Region are met.
- Nomination package should be organized in the same way as the award criteria is listed.
- Justify your nomination in terms of the criteria and be specific without being verbose. The nomination should include more information than words i.e. “see attached flyer,” etc. Take the time to write the nomination.
- If submitting nomination for Newsletter Award, ensure only three samples are attached (any more or less and your nomination will be rejected).
- Nominations for Best Special Project, Best Special Emphasis Project, and Best Fundraiser should only address ONE special project, special emphasis project or fundraiser or the nomination will be disqualified. This means do not submit the same flyers, documentation, etc. for these three awards – they must be different.
- Include any supporting documentation for support of the nomination (i.e., flyers, newsletter, reports, etc.).
- When applying for the Membership Award, a copy of the most current roster (Roster will say January Roster 2020 and 2021) for your chapter must be attached. If a roster is not attached, the chapter will automatically be disqualified.
- Do not cut and paste from previous years award package. This is looked for and if similar in nature more than 20 percent, the award package will be rejected.
- Chapters who submit nominations for Awards in at least four (4) special emphasis area categories are eligible to complete a nomination form for the Helen R. Dudley Overall Chapter Achievement Award. Chapters must submit a nomination package in order to be considered for this award. NOTE: If a Chapter won the Helen R. Dudley Award the previous year, that chapter is ineligible for the current year.
- If a region won the Regional Achievement Award the previous year, that region is ineligible for the current year.
- All award nominations must be submitted electronically with documentation NLT April 7, 2021. FEW Award Submission on the website has been improved to accept attachments and electronically submit your Award package to the Award team for review.
- The winning entries in each Chapter Award category are filed in a three-ring notebook and placed on exhibit on the National Membership Booth at FEW’s National Event.
For more information, please contact your National Awards Chair, Priscilla Moultrie, at .