Military Awards Nomination Submissions
The purpose of the FEW Military Meritorious Service Awards is to recognize outstanding military service members within the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves with significant contributions to their service and our nation by one or more of the following:
The Military Awards open season begins April 8, 2022 and closes May 7, 2022; all award packages must be submitted electronically, with documentation, no later than May 7, 2022.
*Note: If you should have any problems with submission of your nominations package, please send your nominations package via email to

Submission Requirements
- Narrative describing the nominee’s accomplishments, single-spaced, not to exceed two pages. Accomplishments should consist of one or more of the following:
- The nominee distinguished himself or herself by promoting the tenets of civil/human rights, equal opportunity, human relations, and/or public service.
- The nominee contributed to the equal opportunity for selection, promotion or retention of women and minorities in senior grade level positions and under-represented occupations.
- The nominee assisted in overcoming discrimination and eliminating barriers that hinder equal opportunity for all members of the Armed Forces and civilians including women and minorities in the Armed Forces.
- The nominee created job or training opportunities that will support and contribute to advancement of all Service members including women and minorities in the Armed Forces or civilian workforce.
- Biography of the nominee
- Biography of the nominee, single-spaced, not to exceed one page.
- Citation statement summarizing the nominee’s accomplishments, single-spaced, not to exceed 18 lines of narrative; Arial, 12-point font, with 1 inch left and right margins.