Post-Traumatic Stress Awareness Month June 2020

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness

PTSD graphic

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental health issue some people develop after being exposed to traumatic or life-threatening events. We commonly think of it in relation to combat and other military experiences, but it may be caused by other trauma such as a physical or sexual attack, a serious accident, terrorist attacks or natural disasters.   It may include reliving the event, avoiding things that remind one of the event, having more negative thoughts and feelings than before and feeling on edge.  Trouble sleeping, negative behaviors such as smoking, drinking, abuse of drugs and increase in aggressiveness may also be present.

If these symptoms persist for more than a few months after the initial trauma, it may be PTSD. Treatment for this disorder can be very effective in improving the lives of those who suffer from it. Symptoms may be reduced, less intense, or even disappear. The important think to recognize is that it is something experienced by many people and can be treated so that the quality of life can improve.

Many may not feel ready for treatment or that they have perhaps waited too long to seek treatment. However, not wanting to talk about the trauma can actually be a symptom of PTSD. Treatment can be effective even many years after the initial trauma.

Treatment may include individual counseling, support groups and/or medications. Many insurance plans will cover the treatment; check your policy to see what is covered. Find an experienced provider that you are comfortable with.  Treatment for PTSD can be a life changing experience for the better!


Understanding PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Causes

What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder